Compliance & Ethics

Compliance & Ethics

As an organisation, we take compliance very seriously to ensure we meet the requirements of written standards including laws and regulations, our policies and procedures. We work to high ethical standards of integrity, trust, respect and openness in all we do.

Kenta Takahashi, Chief Compliance Officer

“Compliance at Eisai means not only abiding by written standards such as laws, regulations, Eisai policies and procedures, but also upholding ethical standards that are integral to how we operate.

Eisai's ethical standards are, in all business activities, to give first thought to patients and their families, and to increase the benefit that healthcare provides them, as well as to behave with integrity, respect, and openness.

• We act with INTEGRITY, interact in a responsible manner and aim to ensure that our communications with stakeholders are accurate, legitimate and balanced.
• We interact with all our stakeholders with RESPECT. We commit to approach our stakeholders in an open manner, with a responsive, constructive and learning attitude and mutual respect.
• We are committed to ensure that OPENNESS is respected. We are open about our activities and interactions to stakeholders.”

Charter of Business Conduct

Our Charter of Business Conduct was established for conducting business activities based on compliance in the Eisai Group. All colleagues are required, in the conduct of their daily business activities, to act strictly in accordance with this Charter, working to achieve the corporate goals that this Charter defines.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Code is to give all our colleagues support and information about how they can act in accordance with the Charter of Business Conduct to help minimise or eliminate the legal and ethical risks associated with our business activities.

human health care

hhc helps to focus and motivate all of us who work here at Eisai, whether we are researching potential new medicines, conducting studies, working in manufacturing or informing healthcare professionals about our medicines.